What to Expect at a Hearing Test

A hearing test isn’t at all daunting beyond finding the time in your schedule. Regular hearing tests can help you prioritize your hearing health before it becomes a problem and sets you up to confront any potential challenges with a foundation of successful habits and awareness of your needs.

The impacts of undiagnosed hearing loss can bleed beyond your daily listening environments and negatively affect your mental and emotional health. Treating hearing loss can also help to lower your risk of other medical conditions, like dementia.

The symptoms of early hearing loss can be subtle and hard to self-diagnose. That’s where our team of highly trained hearing health professionals come in. Using the results of your hearing exam, we’ll be able to confirm any levels of hearing loss and define which type of hearing loss you’re facing. Together, we’ll explore possible solutions to get you back to your most vibrant hearing possible.

Preparing for Your Hearing Consultation

The most important thing you can do to prepare for a hearing test is to just show up for your appointment. We’re here to manage the intricacies and processes for you. While it’s important to set aside time to check up on your hearing health throughout your life, we urge you to come in as soon as possible if you think that your level of hearing is declining or if communicating verbally with other people has become more difficult than it used to be.